Principles for surviving and defeating enemy attacks

Principles for surviving


defeating enemy attacks

July 4, 2024

Principles for surviving and defeating enemy attacks

# 1

The key to overcoming any enemy is prayer without ceasing

Scripture Verses

Luke 18:1

1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV

# 2

When you have a choice, go where you are celebrated and not where you are tolerated.

Scripture Verses

Luke 18:3 NLT
1 Samuel 20:5 NLT

# 3

You will have accusers.

Like it or not

But you cannot overcome what you can not identify or accept.

The accuser is enemy, number 1.

Scripture Verses

Job 2:1
Hosea 4:6

# 4

You can only survive the attack, if you are willing to adopt God's vision and plan.

Division is a common tactic of the enemy

Scripture Verses

Matthew 6:24
Amos 3:3

# 5

Your relationship with God has natural enemies, waiting for you to make a mistake, especially if you strive to do what is right and just.

Scripture Verses

Job 2:2-3
2 Timothy 3:12
John 16:33

# 6

The enemy of your relationship with God

Will test your ability to retain your integrity in hard times.

Keep your integrity

Another enemy of your relationship with God, is a lack of integrity

Scripture Verses

Job 2:4
Proverbs 13:5

Proverbs 12:22

# 7

The enemy will often use your closet allies to distract you from your ultimate goal, discerning the enemy when he attempts to use your closest allies is key to overcoming.

Be ready to draw the line for relatives and your closest friends. 

Scripture Verses

Job 2:10 NLT
Matthew 10:36
Luke 14:25-26

# 8

Pray about the issue until you are convinced that it is settled

Scripture Verses

Luke 18:4-5 NLT
Matthew 26:42-44 NIV

# 9

A lack of goodness is an enemy to all relationships.

Do your best to always be good to your enemy.

Scripture Verses

Romans 12:17-19