Principles for Relationship preservation

Principles for Relationship preservation

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Principles for Relationship preservation 

Principle #1
Relationship preservation

Unity and Love are key elements for good relationships

Principle #2 Relationship preservation

 An individual cannot love you, if they do not love them self.

Principle #3 Relationship preservation

A life based on Truth will always produce the best relationships.

Principle #4 Relationship preservation

Both women and men
have the ability to win over and change their friends using truth and Godly Behaviour.

Principle #5 Relationship preservation

Cultivating and developing your spirit is more valuable and influential than your physical appearance.

Principle #6 Relationship preservation

All relationships require trust and confidentiality for preservation

Principle #7 Relationship preservation

All relationships require maintenance and occasional recalibration.

Principle #8 Relationship preservation 
 All relationships must have boundaries with consequences to prevent decay.

Principle #9 Relationship preservation

Never accept a reluctant (gift) or invitation from your friend or spouse, refusing deceitful gifts preserves the relationship.

Principle #10 Relationship preservation

Never aggressively take anything from your friend or spouse, being gentle, patient and humble preserves the relationship.

Principle #11 Relationship preservation

Never allow your friends to have any reason to accuse you of robbery.

Principle #12 Relationship preservation

Preventing your tongue from speaking evil and lies

Preserves the relationship